Youth Assessment and Individual Service Strategy
English language comprehension level:
Additional Issues/Barriers
Employment Related Issues/Barriers
Job Search Knowledge and Skills
Framework of an ISS:
Directly linked to one or more indicators of performance
Based on the objective assessment
Identifies a career pathway that includes education and employment goals
Brief Assessment Overview
Identify personal, educational, occupational, financial, medical, childcare, transportation, housing, food/nutrition
Service/Resource/Partner Agency Referral
Identify personal, educational, and occupational short - and long - term goals
Goal Type
Short - Term Goal (3 months or less)
Long - Term Goal (4 months or more)
Youth and Case Manager Agreements:
For Youth - I agree to:
Contact my Case Manager monthly or as often as necessary to update my progress on this plan. I understand that my case can be closed if I go 90 days without participating in a service .
Let my Case Manager know of any problems which would cause changes to any activities or interfere with completing the plan.
Seek, accept and maintain employment that meets my planned goal(s) as stated above.
Contact my Case Manager when I become employed, and provide all necessary information pertaining to the job.
Stay in contact with my Case Mana ger for up to a year after exiting the program to maintain and support meeting my goals.
For the Case Manager - I agree to:
Assist with the appropriate career guidance, training and supportive services.
Coordinate with other agencies and programs to help you obtain needed services.
Monitor your participation and progress in the activities above.
Assist you in your search for employment.
Maintain contact with you for up to one year after you obtain employment for employment retention and career advance ment purposes.
Coordinator, please sign below with your mouse.
Participant, please sign below with your mouse.
Partipicipant, please enter a confidential 4 digit code. Do not share your code with anyone.
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