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Job Search Survey

The questions below are intended to help determine what services will be beneficial to you in your job search. Please answer all questions. There are no wrong answers.

Job Goal

1. Do you know the type of work you are seeking?*

2. Are you finding job postings that require the skills you have?*

3. Do you think you might benefit from a skills upgrade to help you find your next job?*

4. Do you believe that your skills may be transferable to other jobs or occupations?*

5. Have you considered how valuable your strengths (personal and job-specific), interests, and volunteer and life experiences are to your next employer?*

6. Do you want to make a career change?*

Computer Skills

7. Do you know how to use the internet for your job search?*

8. Are you able to complete online applications without assistance?*

9. Are you able to use any of the following Microsoft software programs:*






10. Do you have an email address?*

Resume and Job Search

11. Do you have a resume? If no, skip to #17.*

12. Is your resume up to date?

13. Has your resume been reviewed or critiqued?

14. When you send your resume to employers, are you contacted for interviews?

15. Do you send a cover letter with your resume?

16When you send your resume to an employer, do you usually send it to a specific person?

17. Which of these methods do you use for your job search?*



Apply in person


18. Are you actively networking with friends, family, former co-workers, and others to find job leads?*


19. â€‹When preparing for an interview, are you able to relate your skills, experience, strengths, and characteristics to the employer’s needs?*

20. Do you research companies before interviewing with them?*

21. Do you know what questions an employer may ask you during an interview?*

22. Are you confident in your ability to answer interview questions?*

23. During an interview, are you able to explain why you want to work for the employer?*

24. Do you know what questions to ask during an interview?*

25. After an interview, do you send the employer a thank-you letter?*

26. Following your first interview with an employer, are you contacted for a second interview?*

An error occurred. Please make sure you have answered all required questions.

Thank you for submitting your information!

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